Our local Spokane Craigslist has been a bit slow the past few days and I was waiting to post until I had a few more outstanding finds but no luck, so here we are, the best of the not so great deals currently on Craigslist!
This is my favorite listing from the past few days. I have been admiring bookends lately, especially horse head shaped ones and these still caught my eye even though they are clearly not horses. At $20 they seem a bit expensive...but who knows, maybe they are made of gold.
Deer Bookends
The seller doesn't give anymore information but you can find the original post and contact information here:
Golden Deer.
I enjoy this style of desk and think this sellers price tag of $15 is reasonable. If you have the room for it, I think it would look great in the right decor.
Office Desk
I have a desk for sale that measures 24" W X 54" L X 30" H, the table is in good condition for Office or Garage.
Find the original post and purchase information here:
I love the Harry Potter books and I sometimes think I should have the complete series all together and organized but with all the book sharing that happened in my circle of friends each time a new Harry Potter book came out, I don't have the complete set in one place. This seller is clearly more organized than me or didn't have HP fans as friends, either way I think owning the whole series whole be a good investment.
Harry Potter Series
This is all 7 of the Harry Potter books. The first 3 are paper back and the other 4 are hard cover. They are all in good shape with shelf wear.
Ever since seeing this post I have been trying to think of a fun project for these pool balls.
Minnesota Fats Billiard Pool Balls Set and Rack
Minnesota Fats Pool Balls Set & Wood Rack. The 2-Ball had a chip out of it but it has been glued back and it rolls good & true and the rest are in very good condition.
See a picture of the 2-ball, the original post, and the purchase information here:
Pool Balls.
After some googling, it looks like the most common project that uses pool balls is making them into wine stoppers like this:
People also make rings and paperweights out of them but that involves what appears to be pretty serious drilling skills.
But of course, you could buy this set and do whatever you want with them!
Happy Hunting,